National School Intra is a school management software through which you can manage all school management activities. Which traditional system (paper pen) requires more manpower, spends extra time, and has to worry about maintaining it. For example, after receiving the fee from the student, first you have to write the receipt, then you have to make an entry in the registrar's account, if there is a late fee or arrears, you have to calculate it. Then you have to calculate the daily total fee, and at the end of the month, you have to calculate the total monthly income. Again, who is getting scholarships, and who is getting money from poor funds, many more problems have to be faced for these calculations. But if you use National School Intra, you just set the amount for a class once at the beginning of the year and enter the fee amount every month, all other tasks (late fee calculation, salary waiver, receipt, registry, etc.) will be done automatically and the receipt will be printed.

Using National School Intra you can easily perform many such complex tasks. As a result, you will need less manpower, save time, and save money. By using National School Intra you get numerous benefits which are briefly described below:


1) Website

This software comes with a beautiful, neat, dynamic, and responsive website that will represent all the activities of your school in front of everyone and act as an advertisement for your school. Through this website all information about your school such as the school management committee, principal message, chairman message, mission and vision, public examination results, all facilities, school environment, various school events, upcoming events, an annual calendar, various cultural activities, rules-regulations, uniforms, notices, pictures, and videos, etc., through which the various activities and features of your school will be presented to everyone. The website can be used in Bengali and English 2 languages. Menu submenus can be created as needed.

Benefits:  Anyone can know all the information and news about the school.

2)  Admission Management:

Through this module, parents from anywhere in the world can apply for their children's admission online by providing all the information and the school authorities can accept the student's application considering all the information. There are also-

a) Create and edit classes, sessions, semesters, groups/sections.

b) Admission: Online, Offline

c) Verification of students applied online

d) Promotion to the new class

e) Group/Section Change

f) Promotion/transfer records


Benefits: By using this module, students can avoid the hassle of paperwork during admission, and the hassle of storing all the admission documents, and the admission-related tasks can be completed at the earliest. Parents can apply for admission from anywhere.


3 Exam Management:

Through this module, the school can create one or more results systems/ grading systems at its convenience and implement it in different classes.

This module contains:

a) Subject Management: Compulsory, optional, and additional subjects can be determined through this.

b) Different result systems/ grading systems can be developed for different classes.

c) Exam Registration: Through this, the students can be registered for the exam and the admit card for the exam will be generated automatically.

d) Different marks can be set for different subjects (math:100, ICT:50 for class 8)

E) Result Input: The marks of all the subjects of a student of a particular class can be entered together or the marks of all the students in a subject can be input together.

f) Automatically grade sheet, mark sheet, and tabulation sheet will be ready.

g) The position of the students will be determined automatically.

h) Results of all classes can be published simultaneously with one click and sent through mobile SMS. Parents can check their child's results from their panel.

f) Testimonials will be generated automatically.


4) Student Management:

Through this module, all the information of an admitted student (such as name, address, mobile number, student ID, all his records) can be known with one click. There are also:

a) Student profile view

b) Edit Student Profile

c) Student block

d) Current student => outgoing student

e) Roll No. setup

f) Daily diary writing

g) Report:

  • Class Wise Student Summary
  • Automatic ID card generation
  • Student Archive
  • Diary report
  • Token Generate


Benefits: By using this module, students can find any information quickly.


5) Teacher Module

Various teacher-related tasks can be done through this module. For example:

a) Adding new teachers

b) Assigning subjects to teachers, so that they can write the diary of that subject from their own panel, and input the marks of that subject while generating exam results.


Benefits: By using this module, teachers of their respective subjects can complete the daily diary writing work and exam number input work.


6) Fee Management

Through this module, all the calculations related to the various fees of the students can be done. Also:

a) Different categories of fees can be added.

b) Specific sectors can be added or set for specific months

c) Separate salaries, and fees can be set for each class or group of students

d) Different concessions (scholarships, poor funds) given by schools to different students can be set.

Salary arrears will be calculated automatically.

e) Late fee as prescribed by the school authority will automatically accrue if salary is paid after the specified date

f) Receipt will be generated automatically after taking the salary

g) Report:

  •      Day-to-day fee report
  •      Monthly fee report
  •      Annual fee report
  •     Class-wise fee report
  •     Duelist (class-wise, sector-wise)
  •     Student Wise Fee Report
  •     Discount report           


Benefits: By using this module, the trouble of recording and maintaining the student's salary account can be avoided. Time will be saved. The school authorities can view all fee-related accounts of any student or any class or any section at any time with one click. Parents will be able to know all the accounts related to their children's salary at any time.

Daily, and monthly calculations can be known in one click.


7) Attendance Module

Daily attendance and absence records of students can be maintained with this module. The daily Attendance Absence record can be messaged to the respective parents of each student. Also, through this module daily, monthly, and yearly, percentage calculations of attendance will be available.

Also, daily attendance and absence records of teachers, officers, and employees can be maintained. A record of time of early or late arrival can be kept in case of attendance.

** Machines can be arranged to record the attendance and absence of students and teachers if the school authorities so desire.

Benefits: By using this module, the trouble of writing and maintaining daily attendance absence records of students can be avoided and parents can stay updated about the daily attendance absence of their children. Attendance of teachers, officials, and staff can also be saved along with time.


8) Message Module

There are 3 types of options in the message module:

a) Internal Message: Every system user (admin to parents and teachers, parents to admin and teachers, teacher to admin and parents) sends messages to each other through this message. Through this, all the people associated with the school can stay updated about each other. Each user can send messages to others from their panel and view the messages sent to them.

School authorities can block any specific user (parent or teacher) from this system if they want.

b)  Mobile SMS: Through this message system, the school authorities can send SMS to the mobile phone to inform the parents or teachers about various events or information.

*** Need to buy SMS

c) Email: Through this system, school authorities can send emails to parents or teachers to inform them of various events or information.

Benefits: By using this module, any school information can be sent to all parents and teachers with one click. Every teacher can inform the students about various issues through messages to their respective parents. Parents can also send messages to teachers and school administrators about any issue.


9) Users:

There are 4 types of users in this system:

a) Admin: Admin can perform all the functions of the entire system.

b) Teacher: Can write diary, input results, send messages, check fees of any student, etc.

c) Parents: can see their child's diary, see results, check fees, see notices, send messages, etc.

d) Students: can see their diary, see results, check fees, see notices, send me


Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world

-- Nelson Mandela

© Copyrights National School Intra 2021. All rights reserved. Developed by